Monday, November 29, 2010

I Hate Mondays!

  1. I am so busy thinking of reasons to call in sick, I forgot my lunch.
2.      Can’t sleep in
3.      Time to go back to work and the people you can’t stand to see all week are in your face.
4.      There are 4 more days  before I can sleep in again
5.      Monday meetings….my brain is barely functioning
6.      Mondays equal the worst traffic days…it’s like everyone and their mother is on the road on purpose, going under the speed limit or braking every 2 seconds for nothing
7.      It is the longest day of the week….I swear I have already checked the time 10 times and I think it has barely moved 5 minutes
8.      Happy morning people…enough said
9.      Catching up on my email
10.  Working


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