Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Me and My Computer!
I'm aware my computer is not alive (in the traditional sense). Since it's yet to recognize itself in a mirror, it probably can't pass for sentient. Still, it has all the symptoms of life. It puts out heat. It makes noise. It responds.
I know how to turn it on. It lights up when it sees me. It's always there for me. It does what I ask, more often than my G.F. I can communicate with it using touch alone. It informs me and nags me. Assists and confounds. Helps me focus and distracts me. It knows my secrets and does my bidding. It puts up with me, puts out for me and gets put out with me.
Yet like all relationships, this one has its share of pain. Sometimes we have difficulty communicating. At times we even seem to speak different languages. Occasionally I can't understand what on earth it's thinking. I ask it to do the smallest thing and it acts like it's an ordeal. If I'm upset, it just freezes, my electrical current conflicting with it. Often it just seems to ignore me.
And lately it's started to hurt me. My hand started aching from years of moving the mouse. It's done this to me before, and usually a few day's rest and a wrist-brace get me over it, but this time it wouldn't go away. It moved into my arm, my shoulder, and then into this muscle I'd never even known existed that ran up my skull and ended in a little knot at the top of my ear. And did the computer show any sympathy? No. Come to think of it, that's also like some people I know...
I bought a wrist brace—you know the kind—it's beige and looks a little like an medieval instrument of torture. Badly designed, with Velcro and badly sewn edges that worked like sandpaper against my skin. I took it back. The computer, apparently repentant, helped me find info on the web that lead me to which was far more comfortable and helpful (but has yet to answer a single question I've posed to it, so I do wonder just how smart it is).
Next, my computer helped me find a mouse-substitute, a trackpad like the kind on laptops. I find it natural and comfortable to move the cursor just by pointing with my finger. The last time I tried to install one, it caused my previous computer to have a total nervous breakdown. This computer suggested a USB (the relationship-saving-port) one that just plugs in and works, no drivers. Now I can use any finger to point (depending on my mood!). It's helping my hand heal, and the computer enjoys accessorizing itself.
So we're back on good terms—for the time being, at least. Come to think of it, my G.F. would probably enjoy a little accessorizing herself. I think I'll turn off the computer now and go press my G.F's buttons.:-)
eugenez logo

hahahha,.. this is sooooo totally awesome, and a good read too. "I think I'll turn off the computer now and go press my G.F's buttons.:-) "
you know what, Ithink I'll go do it too!
hehe....u should. thanks man!!
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